Category: our wealthy life

  • check the facts

    People in the United States want to hear the candidates saying what they like them to say. I advise them to check the facts here !

  • the family at home

    Just an impression of the cosy mess in our living-room.


    Roll yourself a joint, pour a glass of water, put the volume high and go back in time ………

  • Marjan

    She made a self-portrait in our front garden. Marjan, originally uploaded by wim harwig.

  • Marjan’s garden

    A small part of her garden is used for cutting flowers.

  • Leonard Cohen

    Yesterday we’ve been to a concert that Leonard Cohen gave in Amsterdam. A few months ago his manager took all his money, so he had to go touring for some income and to see the smile of his fan’s again. see the videos below (and watch his resemblance with Ronald Plasterk) ; When you’re too…

  • Bread is dead.

    Herman Brood died seven years ago by jumping of the roof of the Amsterdan Hilton Hotel ……..

  • Rea is signing her diploma

    Rea passed all exams, so now she is supposed to be ready for making a working career in the Netherlands ! Fact is, that she wants to go to New Zealand to find work (and a little adventure) there first. We’ll see how things work out ………

  • 24 years ago !

    Our official wedding day photo !  An accidental passer by made this photo. It was the only way to have Lex present in the group.  Lex made all the other photos during the day.

  • Rea finished her school

    She passed her exams and therefore I took the national flag and her schoolbag to show it to the world ! (a common usage in the Netherlands)

  • Big Boy’s Toy

    My neighbour bought a new toy !

  • wedding day !

    On the same day that the president Yahya Jammeh of Gambia announced that all homosexuals who will not voluntarily leave the country will be beheaded, Frans and Rob had their wedding day. Frans & Rob ; congratulations ! You had a wonderful wedding day and I hope a long time ahead ! I made a…

  • $4 per gallon

    Gasoline in the USA is cheap compared to European prices, but it rises!

  • Wind farm of 4000 MW

    T. Boone Pickens is going to invest in a wind farm that will produce 4000 Mega Watts ! Guys like this are giving the U.S. a very fast jump ahead in renewable sources, compared to Europe. I think this old man is wise …… The price of electricity in the future will be coupled to…

  • Guerrilla movement coming to the Netherlands !

    Guerrilla gardeners are coming to the Netherlands, see their blog Their activities are explained in this short video ;